Online Safety
In Australia, you can report unlawful or harmful content that you find on any of Cat® phones’ products — including illegal and restricted online content, and other content that violates Cat phones’ terms of use.
What is illegal and restricted online content?
Under the Online Safety Act in Australia, you can report illegal and restricted online content that you find on any of Cat phones’ products.
Illegal and restricted online content refers to online content that includes the most seriously harmful content, such as images and videos showing the sexual abuse of children or acts of terrorism, as well as content that should not be accessed by children, such as simulated sexual activity, detailed nudity or high impact violence.
Other types of content that you can report include:
- Cyberbullying targeted at a child or cyber abuse targeted at an adult
- Non-consensual intimate images
- Content that promotes, incites, instructs in or depicts abhorrent violent conduct
Find out more about illegal and restricted online content in Australia
How to stay safe online
You can use Google Family Link App to create a Google Account for your child under 13 in Australia. You can also use Family Link to add supervision to your child’s existing Google Account. You can set up age-appropriate content filters on your devices by approving or blocking apps your child wants to download or to choose the right YouTube experience for your child. You can also view and manage permissions for websites and extensions accessed through Chrome as well as apps downloaded on your child’s device.
For more information about please see Family Link FAQs.
How to report illegal and restricted online content in Australia
In Australia, you can report illegal and restricted online content in two ways:
Report illegal and restricted online content to the eSafety Commissioner
The eSafety Commissioner (eSafety) is Australia’s national independent regulator for online safety. It makes available safety tools and resources in order to help Australians have safer and more positive experiences online. Learn more about the eSafety Commissioner and how eSafety can help.
You can send a report by completing this form.
Report illegal and restricted online content directly to Cat phones
You can report a complaint about content or online safety originated from the use of Cat phones to us. If you would like to make any such complaint, please write to us at our registered office:
Bullitt Mobile Limited, One Valpy, Valpy Street, Reading, RG1 1AR, UK.
When you report a complaint about content to Cat phones, do not submit the actual content (including anyscreenshots or photos of illegal and restricted content). Your report should provide only a description of thecontent and its location, for example webpage addresses (URLs), account profiles or usernames, or otherinformation about where the material is located.